Autobuses de Cisjordania W2 y W3 en desvío.
Los autobuses W2 y W3 de Cisjordania están en desvío. Esto se debe al cierre de la calle Okeefe provocado por la caída de escombros del edificio. Saldrán de la autopista en Claiborne hacia Tulane. A la Biblioteca Central. De vuelta a la ruta de ida. Paradas perdidas: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @Loyola; Poydras @ Ayuntamiento.

West Bank buses W2 and W3 on detour.
West Bank buses W2 and W3 are on detour. This is due to street closure on Okeefe street brought on by debris falling from building. They will exit Expressway at Claiborne to Tulane. To Main Library. Back on route outbound. Stops missed: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @ Loyola; Poydras @ City Hall.

E1 Outbound Service Stop Temporarily Discontinued
Until further notice, due to construction work on Veterans Blvd, the E1-Veterans, outbound service stop ID#11053, on Veterans at Idaho has been temporarily discontinued. Passengers may board the bus at Veterans and Indiana, stop ID #11060 by Chick-fil-A.

La interrupción temporal del servicio saliente E1 se suspende temporalmente
Hasta nuevo aviso, debido a los trabajos de construcción en Veterans Blvd, la parada de servicio de salida E1-Veterans, ID # 11053, en Veterans at Idaho se ha descontinuado temporalmente. Los pasajeros pueden abordar el autobús en Veterans e Indiana, parada ID # 11060 por Chick-fil-A.


Mobility Impaired Transportation System (MITS)

JP Transit provides paratransit service, also known as the Mobility Impaired Transportation System (MITS), as required by Sec. 37.121 of 49 CFR. MITS provides transportation for persons with disabilities who are unable to use fixed route JP Transit service. The fixed route service has designated bus stops at regular 2-block intervals along specific routes, whereas MITS provides origin-to-destination, demand-responsive service. JP Transit’s MITS service is designed to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); as required, JP Transit has established a reasonable modifications and accommodations request process. LIFT/Dial-A-Ride is a comparable paratransit service operated by the Regional Transit Authority in Orleans Parish.

JP Transit operates MITS service seven days a week, and service hours coincide with daily fixed-route service. Please note that JP Transit operates MITS service on a Sunday timetable on the JP Transit designated holidays, which can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page, and any JP Transit webpage.

Eligibility: 504-758-9135; Monday -Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (temporarily replaces (504-889-7155)

Reservations: 504-889-7156

Dispatch: 504-889-7194

Fare: $3.00 Each Way (cash only)

NOTE: To make a reservation you must FIRST fill out an application (link directly below):

Get Application (English)
Get Application (Spanish)

Who is Eligible to Ride MITS?

MITS service is available to persons who meet specific criteria described in the ADA. Individuals are eligible for MITS service only if there is some part of the fixed route bus system that they cannot use or navigate because of a disability. An individual is eligible if he or she has a permanent, temporary, or intermittent disability as described below and if the fixed route bus system cannot provide service to a particular individual for a particular trip.

Applying to Ride JP Transit MITS Service

JP Transit has a standardized evaluation process to determine the eligibility of riders seeking access to paratransit service. The MITS service application (see below) must be completed in its entirety and mailed to the MITS office (address provided in application). Upon receipt of the completed application, a form will be forwarded to the healthcare professional specified on the healthcare professional authorization form. When MITS receives this form from the healthcare professional, the applicant will be notified regarding the status of their eligibility.

Applications are also available by calling or writing the MITS Office and can be obtained in other formats upon request.

Fare structure recommended by the TAB

operated by Transdev, Inc.
118 David Drive, Metairie, Louisiana 70003

Office: (504) 758-9135   Fax: (504) 324-0834

How Much Does it Cost to Ride MITS?

As of January 2010, each MITS rider pays a fare of $3.00 for each one-way trip. The fare was recommended by the Transportation Advisory Board and approved by the Jefferson Parish Council. By law, the fare for MITS cannot exceed two times the regular fare for fixed route buses. There is no charge for a personal care attendant traveling with a MITS rider. Guests are charged the same fare as certified MITSriders. Coupon books are available in the MITS Office.

Service Area

JP Transit operates MITS service throughout urbanized Jefferson Parish, and all of Orleans Parish. Urbanized Jefferson Parish includes the Eastbank, all developed areas north of the Hero Cutoff on the Westbank, and the Lafitte area.

Service Area Map

Rules and regulations for MITS riders:

For a printable pdf of the regulations click on the links below or contact the MITS office at (504) 758-9135.

MITS Riders Guide
MITS Riders Guide – Audio



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Holiday Service

Saturday schedule is operated on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s:                     Wednesday, 1/1/25
  • MLK Jr.:                             Monday, 1/20/25
  • Mardi Gras Day:            Tuesday, 3/4/25
  • Good Friday:                   Friday, 4/18/25
  • Independence Day:     Friday, 7/4/25
  • Labor Day:                       Monday, 9/1/25
  • Thanksgiving Day:       Thursday, 11/27/25
  • Christmas:                       Thursday, 12/25/25

A separate schedule will be announced and used during carnival season (week preceding Mardi Gras day).

Routes without Saturday service do not operate on holidays.