Autobuses de Cisjordania W2 y W3 en desvío.
Los autobuses W2 y W3 de Cisjordania están en desvío. Esto se debe al cierre de la calle Okeefe provocado por la caída de escombros del edificio. Saldrán de la autopista en Claiborne hacia Tulane. A la Biblioteca Central. De vuelta a la ruta de ida. Paradas perdidas: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @Loyola; Poydras @ Ayuntamiento.

West Bank buses W2 and W3 on detour.
West Bank buses W2 and W3 are on detour. This is due to street closure on Okeefe street brought on by debris falling from building. They will exit Expressway at Claiborne to Tulane. To Main Library. Back on route outbound. Stops missed: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @ Loyola; Poydras @ City Hall.

E1 Outbound Service Stop Temporarily Discontinued
Until further notice, due to construction work on Veterans Blvd, the E1-Veterans, outbound service stop ID#11053, on Veterans at Idaho has been temporarily discontinued. Passengers may board the bus at Veterans and Indiana, stop ID #11060 by Chick-fil-A.

La interrupción temporal del servicio saliente E1 se suspende temporalmente
Hasta nuevo aviso, debido a los trabajos de construcción en Veterans Blvd, la parada de servicio de salida E1-Veterans, ID # 11053, en Veterans at Idaho se ha descontinuado temporalmente. Los pasajeros pueden abordar el autobús en Veterans e Indiana, parada ID # 11060 por Chick-fil-A.

Civil Rights

Jefferson Transit (JeT) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in transportation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); operates services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; and follows Executive Order 13166 in identifying and engaging Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations to ensure their involvement and knowledge of transportation planning and projects in and around their communities.


Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. In accordance with these requirements JeT will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in JeT’s services, programs or activities.

Title VI

JP Transit operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

Limited English Proficiency

JP Transit follows Executive Order 13166 in identifying and engaging LEP populations to ensure their involvement and knowledge of transportation planning and projects in and around their communities. An LEP person is defined as one who does not speak English as his or her primary language and has a limited ability to read, write, or understand English.

JP Transit ADA Complaint Policy and Form – English

JP Transit  ADA Complaint Policy and Form – Vietnamese

JP Transit ADA Complaint Policy and Form – Spanish


Title VI Compliance

Jefferson Parish Transit does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age.

To request additional information on JeT’s nondiscrimination policies or to file a complaint, see information below or contact the General Manager of Jefferson Parish Transit at (504) 818-1077.

Title VI Report

More info on Title VI

Title VI Complaint Procedure

Title VI Complaint Form

Title VI Complaint Form – Spanish

Title VI Complaint Form – Vietnamese


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and also control management and daily business operations.

When choosing vendors and suppliers to work with us, JeT participates in a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program to help level the playing field.

More info on DBE participation

Proposed DBE Participation Goal 2023-25

DBE Participation Goal Public Notice

Approved DBE Participation Goal 2023-2025


Plan Your Route

Get Transit Directions

Holiday Service

Saturday schedule is operated on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s:                     Wednesday, 1/1/25
  • MLK Jr.:                             Monday, 1/20/25
  • Mardi Gras Day:            Tuesday, 3/4/25
  • Good Friday:                   Friday, 4/18/25
  • Independence Day:     Friday, 7/4/25
  • Labor Day:                       Monday, 9/1/25
  • Thanksgiving Day:       Thursday, 11/27/25
  • Christmas:                       Thursday, 12/25/25

A separate schedule will be announced and used during carnival season (week preceding Mardi Gras day).

Routes without Saturday service do not operate on holidays.