Autobuses de Cisjordania W2 y W3 en desvío.
Los autobuses W2 y W3 de Cisjordania están en desvío. Esto se debe al cierre de la calle Okeefe provocado por la caída de escombros del edificio. Saldrán de la autopista en Claiborne hacia Tulane. A la Biblioteca Central. De vuelta a la ruta de ida. Paradas perdidas: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @Loyola; Poydras @ Ayuntamiento.

West Bank buses W2 and W3 on detour.
West Bank buses W2 and W3 are on detour. This is due to street closure on Okeefe street brought on by debris falling from building. They will exit Expressway at Claiborne to Tulane. To Main Library. Back on route outbound. Stops missed: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @ Loyola; Poydras @ City Hall.

E1 Outbound Service Stop Temporarily Discontinued
Until further notice, due to construction work on Veterans Blvd, the E1-Veterans, outbound service stop ID#11053, on Veterans at Idaho has been temporarily discontinued. Passengers may board the bus at Veterans and Indiana, stop ID #11060 by Chick-fil-A.

La interrupción temporal del servicio saliente E1 se suspende temporalmente
Hasta nuevo aviso, debido a los trabajos de construcción en Veterans Blvd, la parada de servicio de salida E1-Veterans, ID # 11053, en Veterans at Idaho se ha descontinuado temporalmente. Los pasajeros pueden abordar el autobús en Veterans e Indiana, parada ID # 11060 por Chick-fil-A.

Fares and Passes

1 Ride 1 Ride with Transfer Day Pass 31-Day Pass Special Fare
(Airport/Canal Cemeteries or Westbank/Crescent City Connection)
Regional Ride
Adult (18–64)
1 Ride
1 Ride with Transfer
Day Pass
31-Day Pass
$45.00 (cash)
$47.25 (credit)
Special Fare (Airport/Canal Cemeteries or Westbank/Crescent City Connection)
Regional Ride
Senior (65+)
1 Ride
1 Ride with Transfer
Day Pass
31-Day Pass
Special Fare (Airport/Canal Cemeteries or Westbank/Crescent City Connection)
Regional Ride
1 Ride
1 Ride with Transfer
Day Pass
31-Day Pass
Special Fare (Airport/Canal Cemeteries or Westbank/Crescent City Connection)
Regional Ride
Youth (6–17)
1 Ride
1 Ride with Transfer
Day Pass
31-Day Pass
Special Fare (Airport/Canal Cemeteries or Westbank/Crescent City Connection)
Regional Ride
Children (5 and under)
1 Ride
1 Ride with Transfer
Day Pass
31-Day Pass
Special Fare (Airport/Canal Cemeteries or Westbank/Crescent City Connection)
Regional Ride

Le Pass App

The Le Pass App is Jefferson Parish Transit’s official transit application. Le Pass provides riders with a more efficient and seamless transit experience — trip planner, mobile payment and real-time information — all from one app.

The Le Pass app allows users to live track buses in Jefferson Parish. With Le Pass, you can easily buy your bus passes right on your phone. No need to wonder about where your ride is or fumble with cash. To pay your fare, just tap to use a pass and then show your pass on your phone when you enter the vehicle.

Detailed Fare and Pass Information

Base Fare

JP Transit fareboxes accept $1, $5, $10, $20 dollar bills and all U.S. coins and provide change in the form of a value card that can be used for future fares.
A half-fare discount is available for seniors, Medicare cardholders, and those with disabilities. Please see the pricing table above and more details about required ID below. 


Transfers are available from the driver. Transfers are not valid between JP Transit and RTA (New Orleans Regional Transit Authority) vehicles. They are valid only between the lines within the system from which they are issued. Please see the “Fares and Passes” pricing table above.

Special Fares

There are special fares for Canal Cemeteries to/from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (E1), or to/from the Westbank and Cresent City Connection (W2/W3).

Children Ride Free

All children 5 and under accompanied by a paying passenger are welcome to ride for free.


Riders who use the bus frequently can save money by using one of our passes. Plus, there’s no need to worry about carrying the correct change.

  • Day Pass (1 calendar day)

    Good for unlimited rides within the JP Transit system and valid for 1 calendar day beginning the day which the card is stamped and activated. The Day Pass can be purchased ONLY on board the buses by request from the operator.

  • Monthly Pass (31 days) and L

    Good for unlimited rides and valid for 31 days from the time dated on the card once it is activated. The Monthly Pass can be purchased via the LePass app and at the JP Transit locations shown below as well as the Wilty Terminal Fare Booth on the westbank. JP Transit’s terminal booth and facilities now accept cash and major credit cards.

  • Regional Ride Pass (24 hours)

    Good for unlimited rides on both JP Transit and RTA buses and streetcars for 24 hours after the first use. The pass can be purchased aboard JP Transit and RTA vehicles, through the RTA GoMobile App, and at RTA ticket vending machines.

    More details on the Regional Ride pass



Tokens are sold in rolls of 10 for $15.00 ($15.68 via credit card payment). Tokens may offer convenience for riders who do not transfer between bus routes or for organizations seeking to provide transportation for employees or clients. Tokens can be purchased at all JP Transit locations shown below. Please note that JP Transit’s terminal booth and facilities now accept cash or major credit cards.

Locations for purchasing passes and tokens:

Please note that the Wilty Terminal booth is open on weekdays only; the booth is closed on weekends and holidays. Regular hours are 8:00 am – 8:00 pm, but early morning hours are offered during at beginning and end of each month. See full schedule for details.

Eastbank Location:
118 David Dr.
Metairie, LA 70003
Phone: (504) 818-1077
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (Mon – Fri)
View Map

Westbank Location:
90 1st St.
Gretna, LA 70053
Phone: (504) 367-7433
Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (Mon – Fri)
View Map

Gretna/Wilty Terminal Information Booth
Van Trump at Westbank Expressway.,
Gretna, LA
Phone: (504) 367-7433
Hours 8 AM – 8 PM (Mon. – Fri.)
View Map

Reduced-Fare Discounts ID Requirements:

(see table above for all pricing)

1. Seniors (65+)

Present a government-issued picture ID (ex: State ID, Driver’s License, or passport) to the operator upon boarding to receive reducedfare discount.

2. Medicare

Medicare recipients can present a state ID along with their Medicare card (Red, White and Blue card) upon boarding to receive the reduced-fare discount.

Local residents are encouraged, but not required, to bring their Medicare card to the JP Transit Operations building at 118 David Drive in Metairie or to the Wilty Terminal Information Booth to receive a Disability Fare card to use in place of the Medicare card for their own privacy.

3. Disability

Disabled riders under 65 without a Medicare card can qualify for a reduced-fare discount by filling out the Certification Form for Discount Transit Fare for Disabled Persons.

Plan Your Route

Get Transit Directions

Holiday Service

Saturday schedule is operated on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s:                     Wednesday, 1/1/25
  • MLK Jr.:                             Monday, 1/20/25
  • Mardi Gras Day:            Tuesday, 3/4/25
  • Good Friday:                   Friday, 4/18/25
  • Independence Day:     Friday, 7/4/25
  • Labor Day:                       Monday, 9/1/25
  • Thanksgiving Day:       Thursday, 11/27/25
  • Christmas:                       Thursday, 12/25/25

A separate schedule will be announced and used during carnival season (week preceding Mardi Gras day).

Routes without Saturday service do not operate on holidays.