How to Ride
If you’re not familiar with JP Transit, please take a quick look at our System Map. It’s a great overview of the area and will allow you see how our transit system can get you where you want to go.
Download and print a hard copy of our maps and schedules to get exact route and timetable information for each JP Transit route.
Use our Bus Tracker, either online, or you can download the app (iOS, Android) to track your bus up to the minute.
Please review our fares and passes.
For assistant call Rideline at: 504-248-3900
Farebox Operation
Before you deposit your fare, please tell the driver the type of fare you would like, and if you will be using a “half-fare” card.
For your convenience, each farebox features:
- Magnetic Fare Card Slot which accepts and processes fare cards, issues transfers, and provides change in the form of a change card that can be used for future fares.
- Magnetic Stripe Swipe Slot which accepts monthly VIP passes.
- Passenger Display which shows transaction and remaining balances or card value.
- Bill Insertion Slot which accepts and counts bills.
- Coin/Token Insertion Cup to accept and collect coins.
- Coin/Token Return Cup for rejected coins
Mobility Devices and Accommodations
JP Transit’s fixed-route and paratransit services are designed to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including a reasonable modifications and accommodations request process. All vehicles are lift-equipped and will accommodate mobility devices, such as wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers, provided the devices fit within the ADA specified boarding envelope. This includes all 30” wide by 48” long mobility devices – (measured starting from two inches above the ground) that do not weigh more than 600 pounds when occupied. Larger devices may not qualify due to lift capacity and interior van configuration.
- All drivers are trained to operate the lift and are required to secure you after boarding
- Riders are required to use seat belts
- All wheel chairs must be secured
- Boarding while standing on the lift is allowed when requested by a rider
- Operators can request that a rider transfer from a mobility device into a bus seat, but the passenger has the final decision as to whether a transfer is appropriate given the passenger’s particular disability
- JP Transit is not responsible for any damage to mobility devices that occurs on JP Transit vehicles
Service Animals and Pets
Service animals accompanying customers with disabilities are allowed on-board JP Transit vehicles. Persons with disabilities who use service animals may board with the service animal regardless of fare category. Operators may ask any passenger if their animal is a service animal and/or if the animal assists them with their disability, but may not require certification or identification for service animals. Passengers using service animals must keep their animals under control and the animal must not pose a threat to other passengers. Failure to do so may result in the passenger being asked to exit the bus.
If the animal is a pet but not a service animal, it must travel in a carrier and the cage or carrier must fit on the person’s lap.
Bikes on Buses
All JP Transit buses have bike racks that hold up to two single-seat, two-wheeled, non-motorized bicycles. Regular fares apply for each passenger. Your bike rides FREE!
Using the rack is easy. As the bus approaches, have your bike ready to load. Never approach the bus from the street. Stay on the curb. Remove any items that could fall off, like a water bottle or pannier. Tell the bus operator that you are loading a bike. Squeeze the handle and pull down to release the folded bike rack. Place your bike in the trough furthest from the bus with the front tire facing the clamping arm, toward the street. If the outside trough is full, load your bike into the trough closest to the bus. In this position, the front tire will face the curb. Raise the clamping arm as far up on the wheel as you can. Before unloading, make sure to let the operator know you’ll be removing your bike. Lift up the clamping arm and remove your bike, folding up the rack if it’s empty.
Bus Stop Signs
Regular bus stop signs are designated at each of the JP Transit bus stops in Jefferson Parish.
Every sign includes the following information:
Lost and Found
If you find an item on the bus, please give it to the operator. All goods left on the bus are turned into either the Eastbank or Westbank Transit Facilities at the end of the day. Please call 504-367-7433 for the possible recovery of lost items.