Autobuses de Cisjordania W2 y W3 en desvío.
Los autobuses W2 y W3 de Cisjordania están en desvío. Esto se debe al cierre de la calle Okeefe provocado por la caída de escombros del edificio. Saldrán de la autopista en Claiborne hacia Tulane. A la Biblioteca Central. De vuelta a la ruta de ida. Paradas perdidas: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @Loyola; Poydras @ Ayuntamiento.

West Bank buses W2 and W3 on detour.
West Bank buses W2 and W3 are on detour. This is due to street closure on Okeefe street brought on by debris falling from building. They will exit Expressway at Claiborne to Tulane. To Main Library. Back on route outbound. Stops missed: Okeefe @ Julia; Okeefe @ Girod; Poydras @ Loyola; Poydras @ City Hall.

E1 Outbound Service Stop Temporarily Discontinued
Until further notice, due to construction work on Veterans Blvd, the E1-Veterans, outbound service stop ID#11053, on Veterans at Idaho has been temporarily discontinued. Passengers may board the bus at Veterans and Indiana, stop ID #11060 by Chick-fil-A.

La interrupción temporal del servicio saliente E1 se suspende temporalmente
Hasta nuevo aviso, debido a los trabajos de construcción en Veterans Blvd, la parada de servicio de salida E1-Veterans, ID # 11053, en Veterans at Idaho se ha descontinuado temporalmente. Los pasajeros pueden abordar el autobús en Veterans e Indiana, parada ID # 11060 por Chick-fil-A.



How do I get from the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport to the city of New Orleans?

JP Transit’s E1 Veterans-Airport route connects the airport in Jefferson Parish to the city of New Orleans.

How many suitcases can I take on the bus and is there a luggage compartment on the bus?

We have a 2 bag limit and no luggage compartment. We ask that you board, pay your fare, then walk with your suitcase to the back of the bus, and place the bag under the seat, or under your legs.

Can I park at Wilty Terminal in Gretna?

The parking at Wilty Terminal is free 24/7.

Do buses stop only at the stops listed on the schedules?

No, buses generally stop every 2 blocks within Jefferson Parish. Look for the JP Transit bus stop signs for designated locations.

What about bus stops in New Orleans? Do JP Transit buses that enter New Orleans stop every 2 blocks also?

JP Transit buses from the Westbank make a loop in downtown New Orleans. These buses stop about every 2 blocks. Look for “mini” JP Transit bus stop signs for locations.

The E2 Airline bus, which travels along Tulane Avenue to Loyola Avenue picks up and drops off passengers at all regular bus stops along its route on Tulane Avenue.

The E3 Kenner Local bus, which travels along Claiborne Avenue to Carrollton, will let passengers off along Claiborne Avenue when traveling inbound but will not pick up any passengers. When it is traveling back toward Jefferson Parish, riders traveling into Jefferson Parish can board at any regular bus stop on Claiborne Avenue.

Are all JP Transit buses equipped with lifts for wheelchair access?

Yes, all JP Transit buses are lift-equipped buses that comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These buses also use the Talking Bus system to announce major bus stops and transfer points along each route.

Do the buses operate on holidays?

Buses follow their Saturday schedule on holidays. Buses that do not provide Saturday service do not provide service on holidays. Please check the individual route schedules for details.

Our History 

Organized passenger transportation service in Jefferson Parish commenced in the 1930s and was privately owned and operated.  Fifty years later, Jefferson Parish Government assumed ownership and established the government owned and operated transit function.  In 1989, Jefferson Parish voters approved for ten years an annual 2-mil property tax to support fixed-route transit services and 1-mil property tax to support paratransit services for elderly and disabled citizens.  These 10-year millage assessments were renewed at the same rate in 1999 and again in 2009.

In 1990, the Jefferson Parish Department of Transit Administration was created and took responsibility for overseeing the private management companies contracted to operate the Jefferson Parish Transit system.  Until 2006, Jefferson Parish contracted fixed-route operations of Eastbank public transit and Westbank public transit under two separate management companies, with a third company managing the parishwide paratransit system.  As the cost to operate the transit system rose significantly following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Jefferson Parish sought to better control costs by consolidating all transit operations under a single contract.  Starting in 2006, all fixed-route operations were solely managed by Veolia Transportation, Inc., and in 2008, Veolia took on the paratransit operations as well.

Throughout the 1990s and until 2005 when Hurricane Katrina disrupted public transit service throughout the region, Jefferson Parish Transit transported an average of 4 million riders annually.  Following Hurricane Katrina, transit operations were scaled back to meet budgetary constraints and a reduced demand for service.  Since ridership in Jefferson Parish is tied significantly to the ridership experienced by the New Orleans transit system, Jefferson’s rebound to its pre-Katrina level remains in process.


Current JP Transit system map

The Future of JP Transit 

New Links 

New Links is a yearlong project to study and propose a network redesign of public transportation in Orleans, Jefferson, and St. Bernard Parishes. The project is a partnership between the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) and Regional Planning Commission (RPC), in collaboration with JP Transit and St. Bernard Urban Rapid Transit (SBURT).

To give feedback or suggestions, email

JP Transit Strategic Plan: A Vision for Jefferson Parish Transit 

The 2019 JP Transit Strategic Plan was designed to provide a vision for Jefferson ParishTransit over the next 20 years and a plan for how to achieve that vision.

Title VI Compliance

Jefferson Parish Transit does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age.

To request additional information on JP Transit’s nondiscrimination policies or to file a complaint, see information below or contact the General Manager of Jefferson Parish Transit at (504) 818-1077.

More info on Title VI

Title VI Complaint Procedure

Title VI Complaint Form

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and also control management and daily business operations.

When choosing vendors and suppliers to work with us, JP Transit participates in a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program to help level the playing field.

More info on DBE participation

Revised 2020-22 DBE Participation Goal & Methodology

DBE Participation Goal 2020-22

DBE Participation Goal Public Notice

Transit Industry Recognition

In the May/June 2007 issue of Busline Magazine, Jefferson Transit was recognized for its actions before Hurricane Katrina struck in helping to ferry people out of harm’s way, and for revitalizing the public transit system in the hurricane’s aftermath.  In 2010, Jefferson Transit received recognition from the Southeast Louisiana Clean Fuel Partnership for being a “clean fleet leader that has taken strides to reduce regional dependence on foreign oil by replacing the equivalent of 11,520 gallons of gas with a cleaner fuel to power their transportation fleet.”  The Partnership also distinguishes Jefferson Transit for being the first mass transit fleet in the region to use biodiesel, which fuels the entire fixed-route bus fleet.  Biodiesel is a domestic, renewable fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils (like soybean oil) which can be an added to or entirely replace conventional petroleum diesel fuel.


Grants/Capital Projects 

JP Transit Awarded $6.88 Million in Competitive Grant Funding

The US Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the Federal Transit Administration, will award $6.88 million in funding to Jefferson Parish through the Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Programs.

JP Transit was the only agency in the State of Louisiana to receive Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive grant funding in FY22. The Low or No Emission Grant Program funding will allow JP Transit to introduce low-emission vehicles to the fixed-route fleet, in support the transition of the nation’s transit fleet to the lowest polluting and most energy efficient transit vehicles. The Bus and Bus Facilities Program funding will also be used to carry out renovation of the Eastbank Transit Facilities.

Upcoming JP Transit Capital Projects

We invite businesses and vendors to visit the Jefferson Parish Purchasing Department website, where interested parties can register for free to view Parish contracting opportunities. See current bid announcements and RFP announcements to learn more about open Transit Department solicitations.


JP Transit strives to make your experience on our transit system as safe and secure as possible. In 2008 JP Transit began its quarterly Public Education Campaigns.  These campaigns are trilingual (English/Spanish/Vietnamese) and focus on messages that make the public more aware of security issues, increase their emergency awareness, and teach them how to respond in the event of a problem.

Jefferson Transit releases these campaigns through:

  • Website Messages
  • Vehicle Posters
  • Kiosk Posters
  • Vehicle Voice Annunciator Messages
  • Transit Security Outreach Days
  • Transit Security Presentations

Look for our latest campaign while riding the bus or check it out here!

Terminal Security Features

Jefferson Transit strives to make its terminals and buses safe and secure for riders.

All buses are equipped with security cameras as well as many other features to help ensure rider security and safety.  For more information on vehicle security features click here.


At the terminals JP Transit:

  • Has installed security cameras throughout the terminal.
  • Has added street lighting in areas around the terminal building, kiosk area, bus bays, passenger waiting areas, and public parking areas.
  • Locks the gated kiosk and shelter area when not in use.

In addition to steps already taken, JP Transit plans to:

  • Increase the number of cameras at all terminals
  • Install additional lighting at the Walkertown Terminal
  • Increase the security training for employees
  • Continue the Transit Security Public Education Campaign

The Wilty Terminal has regularly scheduled details by the Gretna Police Department, and Jefferson Parish has secured the presence of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Department for the Walkertown Terminal.


Bus/Shelter Requests 

Individuals with Disabilities:
Any individual who would like to submit a request regarding the accessibility of Jefferson Parish Bus Stops, please call (504) 367-7433 or email us at JP Transit will attempt to review, investigate, and respond within 30 days of receipt of all requests.

Plan Your Route

Get Transit Directions

Holiday Service

Saturday schedule is operated on the following holidays:

  • New Year’s:                     Wednesday, 1/1/25
  • MLK Jr.:                             Monday, 1/20/25
  • Mardi Gras Day:            Tuesday, 3/4/25
  • Good Friday:                   Friday, 4/18/25
  • Independence Day:     Friday, 7/4/25
  • Labor Day:                       Monday, 9/1/25
  • Thanksgiving Day:       Thursday, 11/27/25
  • Christmas:                       Thursday, 12/25/25

A separate schedule will be announced and used during carnival season (week preceding Mardi Gras day).

Routes without Saturday service do not operate on holidays.